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Laundromat Services

At the Laundry Room you will enjoy a unique self service laundry experience with flat screen TVs, wi-fi and clean, comfortable seating. Plus, at our laundromat near Rome we provide you with numerous machines in various sizes so that no matter how much laundry you bring in, we have the right sized machine for you.


  • 20 lb Washer (10 Total)
  • 30 lb Washer (8 Total)
  • 40 lb Washer (8 Total)
  • 60 lb Washer (6 Total)
  • 80 lb Washer (2 Total)


  • Small, Medium, and Large Dryers (30 Total)

Our machines run on a card system so you don't have to dig in your couch for loose change. You can load up your card with a credit card or cash. Nothing could be easier.

Our self service laundry is designed to make your laundry day easy and convenient. We sell detergents behind the counter if you forget or run out of your own. We sell premium products like Tide, Gain, Downy, and Suavitel. Our lavanderia also has snack vending machines if you get the munchies.

Our card laundry is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with the last wash at 9:00 p.m. We are fully attended, which means that there is always an attendant on hand if you have any questions or need any help. We have tried to think of everything to make your laundry day a happy experience.